Tag Archives: sustainability

Brew Beer, Don’t Waste Water: Reducing Water Used in Brewing

Beer is 95% water, but the amount of water needed in the brewing process adds up to much more than that. According to the Brewers Association, brewers need about seven barrels of water to make one gallon of beer.

Of course, not all that water goes into the actual brewing. But the brewing process is responsible for 25% of a typical brewery’s water usage. Read More…

Clean Energy Brewing

The craft beer industry is going green—and the benefits are multiplying.

Running a brewery on clean energy can save the business money. It can certainly reduce the brewery’s impact on the environment. And clean energy brewing can be a great marketing tool in a time when consumers really value organizations that follow sustainability principles. Read More…

Does Your Brewery Warehouse Waste Water?

Warehousing is important to every craft brewery. Where do you store your craft beer? How do you store it—and for how long?

It’s also an important area to consider for craft breweries striving to reduce water usage and waste water. Cellars are responsible for 17%–nearly a fifth—of a craft brewery’s water usage. Read More…

Beer Festival 101: Sustainability

With Earth Day coming up, sustainability will be at the forefront of the public conversation—so it’s a great time to note that you can make your beer festival a “green” event.

There’s a lot of reasons why you would want to put energy into doing so. Read More…