Tag Archives: workers compensation

The Eyes Have It

Beall Brewery Insurance reports that, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, each day about 2,000 US workers sustain work-related eye injuries requiring medical treatment. Eye injury has resulted in more than $300 million in lost time, medical expenses, and workers compensation, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Read More…

Temperature Extremes in the Craft Brewery

It’s been a chilly winter all across the country … but cold temps aren’t only seasonal. Beall Brewery Insurance points out that temperature extremes are just part of the job for craft brewery professionals. Read More…

Do Your Workers Know Your Brewery Emergency Response Plan?

Business owners already know the importance of having an emergency action plan to help them respond quickly in the event of a natural disaster, work-related injury, or other incident. But Beall Brewery Insurance would like to suggest that brewery owners and operators also have in place a brewery Emergency Response Plan that offers workers a framework to help them respond swiftly and successfully to an emergency. Read More…

Beer Festival 101: Protecting Your Organization

Beer festivals are frequent (and welcome) occurrences throughout the year. So much so, in fact, that breweries might be forgiven for thinking they must be simple to organize.

But if you’ve participated in—or put together—a beer festival, you already know that such an event is far from simple. And event planning is both a science and an art (and that luck really helps make things run smoothly!). Read More…