Beer and Health: Keeping Your Brewery Fit

When runners’ magazines start running stories about beer and health—beer as a good thing for athletic endeavor—it’s time for brewers to sit up and take notice.

Canadian Trail Running recently ran a piece about the power of beer as a post-run recovery drink. “Replenish calories and reduce inflammation with a cold one this weekend,” the subtitle suggested.

Stateside, Runner’s World ran a piece about seven beers that will “legitimately” help runners recover from their workout.

In our neck of the woods, there’s a local group called the OC Craft Runners. They meet each week at a SoCal craft brewery, head out for a group run, and then return to the brewery to socialize, relax, and—yes—recover.

Fitness is a trend that isn’t going anywhere. It would make sense for your brewery to try to capitalize on it. But as we mentioned when we discussed the popularity of brewery yoga, this potentially powerful marketing tactic also contains some inherent risk. You’d be wise to consider that before taking the plunge into the world of beer and health.

Before You Move Forward with a Focus on Beer and Health

  • Be cautious with your advertising. It’s one thing for Runner’s World to spotlight a craft beer that adds nutrient-rich fruit, which can aid in recovery. It’s another thing for you to make claims about the health benefits of your brew. Don’t put yourself in a situation where a disgruntled customer (or even a cross-town competitor) can accuse you of false advertising… perhaps resulting in a lawsuit, damage to your reputation, or even worse.
  • Be cautious with your brewing. Remember, the TTB requires brewers to file a formula for a fermented product “to which fruit, fruit juice, fruit concentrate, herbs, spices, honey, maple syrup, or other food materials will be added.” TTB also does not allow vitamins to be directly added to beer.
  • Be cautious about activities in and around your brewery. If you partner with a local running group that gathers inside your brewery before heading out on their run, focus on good housekeeping to help prevent slips, trips and falls. Consider your outdoor lighting, to facilitate safe departures and arrivals. (That’s important for all your visitors, but especially those who are moving at a run!) It’s not likely that many of the runners will down a pint before heading out, but make sure your servers are aware of the possibility. The last thing you want is for a runner to take off, trip and fall, sustain an injury… and blame your brewery for serving them the beer that made them less aware of their surroundings.

Next Steps

Questions about how any fitness-related marketing ideas could expose your business to greater liability, or impact your insurance needs? It’s a great idea to check with your insurance agent before moving forward with your plans. That way you’ll know that the health of your business is secure as you move forward with your focus on beer and health.

For more than 25 years, Beall Financial and Insurance Services, Inc., has been helping corporations and individuals protect their most important assets. The agency’s client base covers a spectrum of niche businesses, such as craft breweries, that require specialized insurance packages and knowledge. With California offices in Redlands and Newport Beach, Beall Financial and Insurance Services serves clients nationwide.
