Tag Archives: general liability

Hosting a Brewery Event

Hosting a beer festival. Bringing in food vendors or entertainment for a special event. Commemorating beer holidays like National IPA Day or International Beer Day — or commemorating other holidays, like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

All of these can draw larger crowds to your craft brewery—and be a big marketing win. But all of these are also risk exposures that you may not be exposed to much of the rest of the year.

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Digital Solutions—and Challenges—for Your Brewery

When the going gets tough, the tough… pivot. And that’s exactly what craft breweries across the country have been doing. The pandemic has prevented thousands of them from conducting business the way that they, and their customer base, are accustomed to: on-premise. Read More…

Beer Festival 101: Protecting Your Organization

Beer festivals are frequent (and welcome) occurrences throughout the year. So much so, in fact, that breweries might be forgiven for thinking they must be simple to organize.

But if you’ve participated in—or put together—a beer festival, you already know that such an event is far from simple. And event planning is both a science and an art (and that luck really helps make things run smoothly!). Read More…