Tag Archives: craft brewery work comp

How to Stay Safe in Confined Spaces

Confined spaces pose a significant danger if not approached with care. In 2009, a welder who entered a fermentation tank to seal a crack set himself on fire when he lit his blowtorch in the space, which was oversaturated with oxygen. In 2011, a fermentation tank exploded at a Vermont brewery. (Of course, confined spaces are a risk for reasons other than air quality. In 2010 alone, close to 30 people died in grain entrapment incidents in the United States.) Read More…

Do Your Workers Know Your Brewery Emergency Response Plan?

Business owners already know the importance of having an emergency action plan to help them respond quickly in the event of a natural disaster, work-related injury, or other incident. But Beall Brewery Insurance would like to suggest that brewery owners and operators also have in place a brewery Emergency Response Plan that offers workers a framework to help them respond swiftly and successfully to an emergency. Read More…