Managing Holiday-Related Liquor Liability Risk

As the song says, this is the most wonderful time of the year. But Beall Brewery Insurance offers a reminder that it can also be a season ripe with liquor liability risk.

  • DUI-related traffic stops often increase by 33 on Christmas Eve
  • more than 40% of the traffic accidents on New Year’s Eve are a result of drinking and driving
  • An average of 300 people die each year in drunk driving crashes in the days around Christmas and New Year’s.

Liquor liability incidents rank among the three most severe craft brewery losses year-round. However, mitigating liquor liability risk commands special attention during the holiday season.

Prevent Liquor Liability Incidents at Your Craft Brewery

What can you do to help ensure your brewery makes it through the season without a liquor liability claim?

  • Review your brewery policies and procedures with staff to ensure everyone understand the seriousness of the issue, and how to avoid it.
  • Emphasize the importance of checking patron IDs and preventing serving underage customers.
  • Share techniques to help workers identify, assist, and stop patrons who have had too much to drink. (You may even wish to offer staff a refresher training session, such as LEAD or TIPS.)
  • Share techniques to encourage patrons who may have overindulged to use taxis or other ride services rather than getting behind the wheel.
  • Review how the brewery documents incidents involving patrons who have had too much to drink.
  • Review policies regarding employee drinking at the brewery.

Help your team ensure that this is a holly jolly holiday season—and that they are well equipped to help your patrons stay safe.

For more than 25 years, Beall Financial and Insurance Services, Inc., has been helping corporations and individuals protect their most important assets. The agency’s client base covers a spectrum of niche businesses, such as craft breweries, that require specialized insurance packages and knowledge. Beall Financial and Insurance Services, Inc., offers the Craft Beer Advantage, a specialty craft beer insurance program tailored for craft breweries, microbreweries, brew pubs, and contract breweries. With California offices in Redlands and Newport Beach, Beall Financial and Insurance Services serves clients nationwide.
