Craft Brewery Cyber Security

According to the FBI, the cost of cybercrime in the US was $3.5 billion in 2019. However, the actual toll could be much higher since oftentimes the exploits and intrusions go unnoticed. A New Zealand-based security firm, Emsisoft, estimated ransomware alone cost the US over $9 billion

Cyber security is an important concern for all business owners—craft brewers included. To maintain craft brewery cyber security, you need to protect your computers, your network, and your mobile devices. From whom? From hackers, electronic vandals, and cyber extortionists who can encrypt your data and demand a ransom for the encryption key.

It’s a good idea to work with an outside consultant to identify gaps in your craft brewery cyber security—and to fill those gaps. But you don’t have to wait for expert assistance. Try these tips to amp up your cyber security.

Cyber Security Tips for Your Brewery

  • Back up your data.
  • Run robust malware-detection software.
  • Four-fifths of cyber attacks involve weak passwords. Use strong passwords—a different one for each account—and don’t write them down; memorize them.
  • Keep systems and programs current by updating whenever updates are available.
  • Develop craft brewery cyber security policies, and train employees in those policies.

Beall Brewery Insurance has years of experience working with microbreweries, contract breweries, and brewpubs that require specialized insurance packages and knowledge. With offices in California and Indiana, Beall Brewery Insurance serves clients nationwide.
